13 trends that you need to  follow in 2023:

what should you know?

As we approach a new era of digital marketing in 2023, recent technology developments and the ongoing epidemic have profoundly altered the environment. Businesses must keep up with the newest marketing trends in order to remain competitive. Antevski's team has researched algorithm improvements, technical developments, and social media features to identify which are the most popular. In this post, we will look at 13 trends that you may use and include into your marketing strategy for 2023.


It is clear enough that we should start this list with TikTok. The video-sharing app TikTok has become very popular since 2019 and is a popular search engine among Gen-Zers. Several interactive add-ons have been implemented for in-feed ads and advertising campaign measurement features to bring advertisers to TikTok over the last year. Eighty-one percent of TikTok's users use the platform to discover new brands, products, and services. TikTok's user base is therefore a great source of engagement opportunities for businesses. Can’t wait to see how it all plays out in the future, and what is next installed for TikTok.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

This is a trend that will most likely grow the most in 2023, especially the use of AI-powered chatbots and personal assistants in customer service and sales will continue to grow as businesses strive to automate these processes.Moreover, these technologies will be helping businesses improve campaign effectiveness by analyzing data, creating personalized content, and optimizing campaigns, since 2022 was a huge year for AI powered content creation.

As we enter the next generation of computing power and algorithmic advancements, "Generative AI" is now capable of creating visual and written content of impressive quality.

Tool such as Stable Diffusion now can produce image of anything and any style, from just natural language prompt.

But will AI replace us, not exactly, even dough AI has capability in producing high quality images, still Professional Graphic-Artist is not replaceable, but there are currently ways to prove useful to marketers, and it is something we need to follow closely and educate ourself.

3. Social Commerce:

Since the beginning of 2022, It was incredible how everyone were eager to jump on the hype train off Social Commerce, than after the year progressed, the stats were slower and slower. 

But that is not the case in India and China, there Social Commerce has hit a huge success, it is booming, in the Western Communities, customers simply still do not trust apps.

We have did some analysis on the topic, and we can see that there many updates that are integrated which we believe it will change this, for example, Twitter Shops, Youtube promoted Shoppable, Instagram did  in chat payments and purchases.

So hold your Horses I strongly believe that Social Commerce are here to stay.

4.Influencer Marketing: 

This is definitely not a new trend, and it has been around for a while now, but we expect it to be more widespread in 2023. One of the reasons why is, the enormous rise of the Importance of Social Media that we are experiencing, business find it extremely beneficial working with Influencers, there are also now promotion-tools, that are offered, such as Media Kit, in assisting influencers in improving their achievement representation, and the metrics to the brands, making them more business oriented and easier to corroborate. 

In addition to that, Influencers are proven to be valuable, especially for start-ups, since they have a huge followers that trust their recommendations, especially Nano-Influencers, are proven to be very efficient, very interactive with their followers, and cost effective, so Brands should take advantage of this and start and early strong relationship. 

This trend will we believe be at its best so far in 2023.

5. Sustainability:

This is a beautiful trend, consumers all of the world are increasing their awareness on how their purchasing decisions have an impact of the environment, and Businesses in 2023, will need to adapt to this trend.

Expect in seeing much more Business working with or promoting, sustainable practices and products, as well highlight their effort and commitment to environmental-sustainability and social-responsibility in their campaigns, if you want to find out more, check out the Forbes article about Sustainability trends, I highly recommend it.

So this one is definitely win-win situation, It is highly important to be considerate and in the same time fulfil the needs of this consumers, without compromising the needs of the future consumers.

Caring about the environment and ensure economic growth, such a lovely bargain.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):

AR and VR technologies are definitely nothing new as well and has been around for a while now, but they are still picking up slow, and in the early stages of adoption in the marketing. 

Antevski did some analysis on the topic and In 2023, we expect to see more Businesses using AR and VR in effort on creating immersive and exciting experiences for their customers, for example, a Construction Company could use AR to allow their customers to visualise how a their future house would look, and get a tour in it, while maybe a travel company could try using VR to create virtual tours and take their customers to a popular destinations. 

I wouldn’t mind skip Oslo now in the winter, and pop-up in French Polynesia, that would be nice.

7. Voice Search Optimization:

It seams to be popular for more and more people to use voice-activated devices such as Alexa Google Home, businesses have to optimize their content for voice search, this basically means using as much more natural language as possible and long-tail keywords in ensuring that your content can be found easily through a voice search. 

In 2023, we expect businesses to point their focus more on voice search optimization in rather to reach a wider audience.

8.Interactive Content:
Interactive content, meaning quizzes, polls, and games, is becoming increasingly popular in 2023, as businesses are seeking new and creative ways to engage with their audience.

Interactive content is by proven to be more engaging than traditional content by far, and it encouraging people to spend much more time on a website or social media platform. 

In 2023, we advise more businesses in using interactive content to attract and retain more customers.

9. User-generated content (UGC): 

We have seen how User-generated content is becoming an important part of many businesses in their marketing strategies, and this trend is more likely to continue to grow in 2023. 

You will most probably see more businesses that may encourage their Customers in creating and sharing contents related to their brand, and also used to create more authentic and engaging brand experiences.

If you did not done this so far, it is never to late to start, you just need to: keep asking for that feedback, make sure in creating unique hashtags, launching a contest on Instagram we believe has proven to be efficient as well, gain some ground with Influencers, maybe even an ambassador program, and last but least, compelling challenge, works like a charm.

10. Social media communities:
Social media communities has become a key channel for Businesses in engaging with there consumers, in 2023, every successful business is placing huge effort in nurturing social media communities, they provide support, connection, that is usually very difficult to be found offline.

They are great way to make friends, meet new people and simply Interact with people that have same Interest with you. They are performing so good, simply for the fact of offering valuable insight and informations. 

Following this trend in 2023, it can be very beneficial for your Business development, or even Influencers on their way up, keep a close eye to this trend also.

11. Accessibility: 

When we talk about Accessibility, we're talking about creating or designing services, settings, and goods that individuals with special needs can utilise. Making sure that those with special needs have the same opportunity as everyone else to access and enjoy goods, environments, and services is the aim.

We all know they were left out of marketing strategies, with advertisements that were ineffective for people with special needs and ineffective many websites. Sadly, the industry has a long history of ignoring this topic, but thankfully these standards are improving, as more and more digital products and services, such as apps, webpages, and software, are being designed with it in mind.

Additionally, Gen-Z has done fantastic job with the reels and huge captions on Instagram, TikTok, and kudos to LinkedIn, which also provided live audio subtitles for their events.

Things have obviously been getting better, and this trend will only continue in 2023, when we can all use some improvement.

12. Short Form-videos:

A "short video" is defined as a video that is less than 60 seconds long and is intended for usage on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Youtube.

These videos have recently acquired popularity owing to their rapid and interesting method of content dissemination.

Its applications include product presentations, brand awareness, influencer marketing, and entertainment, and they are aesthetically appealing and simple to use, with features like as music and visual effects.

Businesses are increasingly employing social media marketing strategies that incorporate short videos since they are an effective method to interact with younger consumers.

It's a tendency that many Markets dislike because (content-is-king), yet it's massive and not going away.

13.The Metaverse:

It is a completely immersive and interactive environment that can be accessed by virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology.

The Metaverse is a notion that has been explored in numerous types of media such as novels, movies, and video games for quite some time.

In a nutshell, the metaverse is a parallel realm to our physical world in which individuals may participate in activities and socialize with one another without the limits of the actual world.

The word "metaverse" has recently acquired prominence as a result of Facebook changing its name to Meta and focusing on constructing metaverse platforms where users may create avatars, connect with other users, buy and sell virtual items, attend events, and even work and study.

There is a growing trend for marketers to invest in the metaverse, and it is regarded as the next evolution of the internet, a new dimension of human experience, and a way to connect with people and information in a more immersive and interactive way. It is a really hot topic among marketers, making most of them eager to invest. 

In conclusion, staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends is essential for businesses to remain competitive in 2023. By taking advantage of these 13 trends, businesses can improve their campaigns' effectiveness and engage with their target audiences more effectively.

Thank you for reading; see you in the next post.

Before that, ConnectConvert, and Conquer!

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