Defining what is Digital Nomad, in Response to Donald

This blog post is in response to Donald, one of my readers, but it is also meant for individuals who are interested in the digital nomad lifestyle or are considering offering it to their employees. The essay covers a wide range of topics, including the merits and downsides of a nomadic lifestyle, the current state of digital nomad visa schemes, and the impact of COVID-19 on remote employment. It also goes through some of the compliance concerns that digital nomads may face, such as passport restrictions and work-related compliance issues. The purpose of this post is to provide a comprehensive guide for those who desire to live a nomadic lifestyle while working remotely, as well as to provide insights and ideas for navigating the challenging world of remote work.

You may find this particular blog a bit more long-formed, than usual, but bear with me, it is worth it, I Promise…

Hi Donald, I’d like to thank you for following and reading my most recent blog article about Digital Nomads' activities in Croatia. Your inquiry has peaked my attention, and I am delighted to offer you with a detailed response.

Due to an unforeseen accident at work, I am no longer able to work in my previous field. Rather to wallow in sorrow, I used my recuperation time to immerse myself in the world of remote work and Digital Nomads. This experience motivated me to convey the numerous advantages and disadvantages of this way of life, as well as the fundamental criteria, considerations, and vital parts of travel and employment. Furthermore, I will advise you on how to live a nomadic lifestyle while having a beneficial influence on the countries you visit.

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on the workplace, leading to a rise in remote jobs. A digital nomad, according to Merriam-Webster, is someone who works primarily on the internet while traveling. Some people choose to travel full-time, while others prefer to travel part-time. Every year, I intend to travel for three months with my partner and puppy. Individuals may also opt to work and travel in their vans. Regardless of manner, there is no such thing as a typical nomad. People of all ages are learning that nothing can stop them from following their instincts and living a nomadic lifestyle.

Moreover, more than 25 countries, as I have discovered, now offer digital nomad visas and schemes, expanding the range of destinations for aspiring nomads. 

This list of locations adds to the already well-established choices available. The opportunity for individuals to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle has never been more accessible and appealing.

So Donald, are you feeling the urge to take the leap into a digital nomad lifestyle? The world is your oyster, and with the increased flexibility of remote work, you can now work and travel simultaneously. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

When it comes to digital nomad locations, the globe is your oyster. Croatia, Indonesia, and Gran Canaria are just a handful of the more than 40 possibilities available, with more being introduced on a regular basis. The application procedure for digital nomad visas has been simplified, and organized support is now available to help you navigate this lifestyle. Croatia is my particular favorite, but it is only one of the new places on the market, demonstrating the vast variety of options accessible to aspiring nomads. It's difficult to think that only two years ago, Estonia began one such plan.

With up to 70% of businesses likely to offer a hybrid style of remote work, and 15% currently doing so, the epidemic has triggered what some have dubbed "The Great Resignation." As a result, businesses are providing more leeway in how their workers conduct their professional life. This transition has created new options for people who want to live a nomadic lifestyle, making it simpler than ever to travel to other nations and areas. Have you thought about prospective places in your continent or region? Which countries would you include on your bucket list? The possibilities are infinite, and now is the ideal moment to begin your digital nomad journey.

And, Donald, I'm not just addressing you as an individual.Do you work as an employer or as a leader in a remote-friendly industry?Do you wish to be able to provide digital nomadism to your employees?There are several options available presently.Employer of Record services, for example, and inside the European Union, several organizations now provide up to 90 days of remote work each year.The self-employed model has never been more popular, with an increasing number of people investigating other ways to work and earn.So, whether you're contractually employed or considering self-employment, you have the opportunity to investigate various career paths.Please allow me to elucidate if digital nomadism appeals to you.

Navigating the Work Status and Compliance World for Digital Nomads

Are you a digital nomad who wants to travel the world but is concerned about passport restrictions and work-related compliance issues? Don't allow these worries keep you from enjoying your best life. You can secure a smooth sailing in both areas with sufficient research and planning.

You may enjoy the freedom and flexibility of being a digital nomad by taking the time to negotiate the realm of work status and compliance.

Prepare to travel the world while working remotely! But, before you pack your belongings, make sure you're properly prepared and in compliance. Your passport may limit your ability to travel, and your job status may limit your ability to work.

Examine your employment contract carefully to check if your employer has a clear list of countries where remote work is permitted. Independent contractors and self-employed individuals have more possibilities, yet operating legally in a foreign nation need a visa. 

Remember that local conditions and terms are subject to change, so be informed and aware. You may strike a work-travel-life balance with diligent planning and preparation. Let's go traveling!

Donald, as a result, Are you an enthusiastic traveler who appreciates being on the go? While combining work and vacation, or as Kristie Sullivan gave it proper name  "workation", has benefits, it also has drawbacks. We'll look at the advantages and disadvantages of digital nomadism.

The freedom to travel to new areas and immerse oneself in diverse cultures is one of the most major advantages of being a digital nomad. As a digital nomad, you may work and live anywhere you choose, without the limits of a physical workplace or a long commute. This can lead to greater cost savings and a higher standard of living. Furthermore, in a highly competitive job market, digital nomads have more opportunities to advance their professions by upgrading their skills and expertise.

Despite the obvious benefits of digital nomadism, there are certain disadvantages to consider. One of the most significant drawbacks of working remotely is the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Without the social support and contact of a typical employment environment, digital nomads may struggle to form meaningful relationships with people.

Another challenge that digital nomads face is the difficulty in sticking to a routine. Travel's temptations and ever-changing surroundings can make it difficult to maintain healthy habits such as regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and enough sleep.

Furthermore, income for freelancers or self-employed digital nomads can be unpredictable, making future planning and budgeting problematic. A lack of job security might also be a concern.

Another possible disadvantage is the blurring of professional and home life boundaries. Digital nomads may find it difficult to switch off from work and relax without the physical separation of a workplace, leading to burnout and lower productivity.

Finally, some companies may perceive remote workers as less engaged or focused in their professional development, restricting prospects for progression and professional development. This might make it difficult for digital nomads to advance in their jobs and attain their long-term objectives.

Donald, you've hit on something! The burning question for everyone: is nomadism good for me? Not to worry, your own Achievement Architect is here to assist you with a few pointers and techniques.

First and foremost, let us tap into your intuition. Close your eyes and picture yourself as a digital nomad. Where have you gone? What kind of job do you want to have? What kinds of things do you like to do in your spare time? Consider the local culture and how you will fit in. Make a list of your ideas and feelings, both positive and terrible.

Following that, research will become your new best friend. Read about other nomads' experiences, consider location options that suit your travel style, understand remote working requirements, and prepare for longer-term travel. Don't forget to interact with the greater nomad community; there's a wealth of information available in forums and social media groups.

After you've performed your due diligence, go back to your initial thought exercise and ask yourself whether anything has changed now that you're more knowledgeable. If all signs point to yes, then proceed with caution through the planning stages.

Remember that nomadism is a journey that demands research, planning, and an adventurous mindset. By following these recommendations, you'll be well on your way to enjoying the thrill.

So, first and foremost, my fellow nomads! Are you ready to go on your next digital nomad journey? As i already mentioned the world is your oyster, my friend, whether you choose to relax on the beach, climb through the mountains, or experience the hustle and bustle of a thriving metropolis. But before you pack your bags and take off, there are a few things to consider and recap:

First and first, let us confirm that you are qualified to go to your desired location. Examine your passport, visa requirements, and past travel experience. Is this your first time traveling as a nomad, or are you a seasoned traveler? Can you travel by yourself, and do you have the discipline to work while traveling?

Let's go on to information regarding the site. How simple is it to get to your location, and what language is spoken there? Will you be able to successfully communicate, and is the culture a suitable fit for you? Consider the expense of living, as well as the quality of life. Are essential needs such as coffee, bread, and wine reasonably priced? Can you get money and dependable internet, and how is the weather? Safety is particularly critical etc...

Don't forget to consider entertainment and activities. Make sure there are lots of family-friendly alternatives if you have children or pets. Make new acquaintances and connections by exploring the local expat and nomad community. And, of course, keep the total cost of living in mind.

If you ask me, guess which location would be best, the answer is Croatia of course, you have it all there… :-)

Consider this: Do you want to travel responsibly? It is vital for digital nomads to make sustainable decisions. Small changes may have a big impact on our environmental footprint as well as the communities we visit. We may reduce our carbon footprint by taking the train overland or sharing resources and accommodations via internet platforms. Minimalism is also crucial; pack lightly and acquire used items. We may give back to the places we visit by participating in local community events such as beach cleanups and volunteering.

Let us use our unique abilities to make a positive change in the world.

My digital nomad adventure would not have been possible without your support. I hope this blog has given you some useful thoughts and pointers for being a more thoughtful and influential traveler. I'd want to thank Donald in particular for inspiring me to write this.

For additional material and updates on my digital nomad travels, follow me on Instagram and Facebook:, Twitter: antevskialeks, and YouTube:

Keep in mind to Connect, Convert, and Conquer!

Let us continue to tour the world and make a difference in the places we visit.

#digitalnomad #remotework #sustainability #mentorship #digitalmarketing

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